Utrecht University

Computer Animation





Announcements and News

(02-04-2024) The course has ended for the 2023-24 academic year. The website will be active again for academic year 2024-25 in due time.

2023-24 Projects can be viewed here

About the course

Computer Animation (INFOMCANIM)

The course Computer Animation is given as part of the GMT Master programme at Utrecht University. The course consists of a number of lectures, as well as presentations by participants. Next to an introduction to basic animation techniques such as interpolation, blending, skeleton animation, facial animation, kinematics and motion synthesis, we will focus on a selection of relevant animation-oriented research papers. As part of the course, participants will make a short animation movie or write a program for 3D skeletal animation.

Lecture Schedule

Week Date Time Room Lecture By
Week 46 13th Nov 09:00-10:45 BBG- 214 Introduction & Animation Basics Zerrin Yumak
Week 46 15th Nov 09:00-10:45 BBG- 209 Interpolation & Blending Zerrin Yumak
Week 47 20th Nov 09:00-10:45 BBG- 214 Skinning & Facial Animation Zerrin Yumak
Week 47 22nd Nov 09:00-10:45 BBG- 209 Deep Learning Introduction Zerrin Yumak
Week 48 27th Nov 09:00-10:45 BBG- 214 Motion Capture Lab Tutorial Kazi I. Haque & Fabian C. Barros
Week 48 29th Nov 09:00-10:45 BBG- 209 Advanced Facial Animation and Deep Learning Tutorial Kazi I. Haque
Week 49 4th Dec 09:00-10:45 BBG- 214 Paper 1,2; Project Intermediary Deadline (until 23:59)
Week 49 6th Dec 09:00-10:45 BBG- 209 Paper 3,4
Week 50 11th Dec 09:00-10:45 BBG- 214 Paper 5,6
Week 50 13th Dec 09:00-10:45 BBG- 209 Paper 7,8
Week 51 18th Dec 09:00-10:45 BBG- 214 Paper 9,10
Week 51 20th Dec 09:00-10:45 BBG- 209 Paper 11,12
Week 52 & 1 No lecture (Christmas & New Year Holidays)
Week 2 8th Jan 09:00-10:45 BBG- 214 Paper 13,14
Week 2 10th Jan 09:00-10:45 BBG- 209 Paper 15,16
Week 3 15th Jan 09:00-10:45 BBG- 214 Paper 17,18
Week 3 17th Jan 09:00-10:45 BBG- 209 Paper 19,20
Week 4 22nd Jan 09:00-10:45 BBG- 214 Paper 21,22
Week 4 24th Jan 09:00-10:45 BBG- 209 Paper 23,24
Week 5 31st Jan 09:00-12:45 BBG- 214 Project Festival; Project Submission Deadline (until 23:59)
Week 5 2nd Feb Essay Submission Deadline (until 23:59)


Here is how you will be graded in the course


During the course, you will read research papers and give a presentation in teams of three. You will also produce a short animation movie or develop a program for skeletal animation and skinning, in teams of five. Roughly halfway the course, you will send an intermediary planning report for your preferred project assignment. The final animation movies and demos of the programs will be shown at the last session. You will also write an essay on a topic within the animation research area.

You will get a grade for the research papers (R), project (P) and essay (E). R includes the paper presentation and the 6 paper reviews. You will get a grade for your presentation and this will be counted complete only if all 6 paper reviews are also delivered. Paper reviews and essay are to be done individually. Presentation and project are group assignments.

The final grade is then calculated as 0.3 * R + 0.3 * P + 0.4 * E. In order to complete the course, there is an additional restriction that E >= 5.

Retake essay: If you didn't get a sufficiently high grade, you may do a retake essay to still complete the course. Exactly the same rules as the regular essay apply. The grade you get for the retake essay will replace the (missing) grade of the regular essay. You may improve the essay you originally handed in, taking into account the feedback from the teacher, and hand in as the retake essay, or choose a new topic and write an essay about that. Note that you can only qualify for a retake essay if you have done all the parts of the course (give a presentation and deliver paper reviews, do project assignment, hand in the essay) and have a final grade of at least 4.


Attendance overall is not mandatory. However, you are required to attend the paper presentations for the papers that you write a summary.

Course Instructors and Contact


Dr. Zerrin Yumak

Email: z.yumak@uu.nl


Kazi Injamamul Haque

Email: k.i.haque@uu.nl


Fabien C. Barros
